Rentenfonds • Renten Kurze Laufzeiten

HSBC GIF ESG Short Duration Credit Bond - AC USD ACC

HSBC Asset Management (Luxemburg)
9,959 EUR
+0,023 EUR+0,23 %
9,959 EUR
9,959 EUR
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3,10 %
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0,99 %
Morningstar ESG-Rating

Kosten und Erträge

Ausgabeaufschlag3,10 %
Verwaltungsgebühr0,75 %
Laufende Kosten0,99 %
Keine Sparpläne

Top Holdings zu HSBC GIF ESG Short Duration Credit Bond - AC USD ACC

BPCE 2.045 19/10/273,09 %
LLOYDS BK GR PLC 5.462 05/01/282,74 %
SOCIETE GENERALE 4.750 24/11/252,71 %
BARCLAYS PLC 2.852 07/05/262,67 %
GRAPHIC PACKAGIN 1.512 15/04/262,25 %
AERCAP IRELAND 6.100 15/01/272,13 %
WRKCO INC 4.000 15/03/281,94 %
CCO HOLDINGS LLC 5.125 01/05/271,91 %
TDF INFRASTRUCTU 5.625 21/07/281,57 %
SUNOCO LP/FIN 7.000 15/09/281,53 %
Summe:22,54 %

Alternative Anteilsklassen zu diesem Fonds

Was sind alternative Anteilsklassen?

Viele Investmentfonds werden in unterschiedlichen Anteilklassen angeboten. Dabei handelt es sich um Anteile am selben Fonds. Anteilklassen können sich z.B. in der Ertragsverwendung (ausschüttend / thesaurierend), in der Höhe des Ausgabeaufschlags und der Verwaltungsvergütung oder der Mindestanlagesumme unterscheiden. Jede Anteilsklasse besitzt eine eigene Wertpapierkennummer (WKN) und internationale Wertpapierkennummer (ISIN). Das Investmentkonzept bleibt über die Anteilklassen hinweg unverändert.


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Ratings zu HSBC GIF ESG Short Duration Credit Bond - AC USD ACC

Morningstar ESG-Rating
Morningstar Style-Box™ (Anleihen)
Scope Mutual Fund Rating

Fondsstrategie zu HSBC GIF ESG Short Duration Credit Bond - AC USD ACC

The Fund aims to provide capital growth and income by investing in a diversified portfolio of bonds with an expected average duration of between 1 and 3 years and an average credit rating of investment grade, that seeks a higher environmental, social and governance (ESG) rating and lower carbon intensity, than the reference benchmark, while promoting ESG characteristics. In normal market conditions, the Fund aims to invests at least 70% of its assets in short duration investment grade, non-investment grade and unrated bonds, and similar securities issued by governments, government-related entities, supranational entities or companies. These bonds are issued by issuers meeting certain ESG rating and lower carbon intensity criteria (ESG and Lower Carbon Criteria). The ESG and Lower Carbon Criteria, together with fundamental qualitative company analysis, are used to determine the Fund's investible universe, that excludes: issuers involved in the production of controversial weapons and tobacco, issuers with more than 10% revenue generated from thermal coal extraction and coal-fired power generation respectively, and issuers considered to be noncompliant with the UN Global Compact Principles. This may include issuers following good ESG practices, the Investment Adviser takes consideration of both the carbon intensity and the overall ESG rating of each issuer, the latter being calculated based on the issuer's Environmental (E), Social (S) and Governance (G) ratings and their respective weights. The Fund may invest in sustainable bonds. The Investment Adviser aims to construct a portfolio with a higher ESG rating, calculated as a weighted average of the ESG ratings of the Fund's investments against the weighted average ESG rating of the issuers of the constituents of the reference benchmark. Please refer to the Prospectus for further details including definitions and examples of the ESG and Lower Carbon Criteria.

Stammdaten zu HSBC GIF ESG Short Duration Credit Bond - AC USD ACC

  • Fondsvolumen
  • Währung
  • Auflagedatum
  • Ertragsverwendung
  • Mindestsumme Einmalanlage/Folgeeinlage
    5.000,00 USD /

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Performance-Rangliste des Anlageschwerpunktes

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Risiko-Kennzahlen zu HSBC GIF ESG Short Duration Credit Bond - AC USD ACC

Maximaler Verlust
Positive Monate
Höchstkurs (in EUR)
Tiefstkurs (in EUR)
Durchschnittspreis (in EUR)

Performance-Kennzahlen zu HSBC GIF ESG Short Duration Credit Bond - AC USD ACC

Relativer Return
Relativer Return Monatsdurchschnitt
Performance im Jahr
Sharpe Ratio (annualisiert)
Excess Return