Aktienfonds • Aktien USA

Mirova US Sustainable Equity Fund - Q/A NPF EUR ACC H

133,950 EUR
-0,290 EUR-0,22 %
133,950 EUR
133,950 EUR
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16,30 Mio. USD
Laufende Kosten
0,20 %
Morningstar ESG-Rating

Kosten und Erträge

Verwaltungsgebühr0,05 %
Laufende Kosten0,20 %
All-in-Fee0,15 %
Keine Sparpläne

Top Holdings zu Mirova US Sustainable Equity Fund - Q/A NPF EUR ACC H

Aktie · WKN 870747 · ISIN US5949181045
8,83 %
Aktie · WKN 918422 · ISIN US67066G1040
8,32 %
Eli Lilly and Company
Aktie · WKN 858560 · ISIN US5324571083
5,81 %
First Solar
Aktie · WKN A0LEKM · ISIN US3364331070
4,59 %
Aktie · WKN A0F602 · ISIN US57636Q1040
4,44 %
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Aktie · WKN 857209 · ISIN US8835561023
4,34 %
Aktie · WKN 866197 · ISIN US2358511028
4,13 %
Aktie · WKN A1JMBU · ISIN US98419M1009
4,13 %
Roper Technologies
Aktie · WKN 883563 · ISIN US7766961061
4,05 %
Waste Management
Aktie · WKN 893579 · ISIN US94106L1098
3,97 %
Summe:52,61 %

Alternative Anteilsklassen zu diesem Fonds

Was sind alternative Anteilsklassen?

Viele Investmentfonds werden in unterschiedlichen Anteilklassen angeboten. Dabei handelt es sich um Anteile am selben Fonds. Anteilklassen können sich z.B. in der Ertragsverwendung (ausschüttend / thesaurierend), in der Höhe des Ausgabeaufschlags und der Verwaltungsvergütung oder der Mindestanlagesumme unterscheiden. Jede Anteilsklasse besitzt eine eigene Wertpapierkennummer (WKN) und internationale Wertpapierkennummer (ISIN). Das Investmentkonzept bleibt über die Anteilklassen hinweg unverändert.


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Ratings zu Mirova US Sustainable Equity Fund - Q/A NPF EUR ACC H

Morningstar ESG-Rating
Morningstar Style-Box™ (Anleihen)
Scope Mutual Fund Rating

Fondsstrategie zu Mirova US Sustainable Equity Fund - Q/A NPF EUR ACC H

The Sub-Fund has a sustainable investment objective which is to allocate the capital towards sustainable economic models with environmental and/or social benefits by investing in companies which qualify as a sustainable investment and whose economic activity contributes positively to or does not significantly harm the achievement of one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and/or reduces the risk of not achieving one or more of the UN SDGs, while ensuring that the portfolio companies follow good governance practices. The Sub-Fund will seek to invest in US domiciled companies, listed on the US stock exchanges, while systematically including Environmental, Social and Governance ('ESG') considerations with financial performance measured against the S&P 500 Net Dividends Reinvested Index over the recommended minimum investment period of 5 years. The S&P 500 Net Dividends Reinvested Index is representative of the US equity markets. The Sub-Fund is actively managed. The Sub-Fund's performance may be compared to the Benchmark. In practice, the portfolio of the Sub-Fund is likely to include constituents of the Benchmark, but the Investment Manager has full discretion in the selection of the securities comprising the portfolio within the limits of the Sub-Fund's investment policy. However, it does not aim to replicate that Benchmark and may therefore significantly deviate from it. The Benchmark can be used to determine the performance fee that will possibly be levied. The Investment policy of the Sub-Fund is to follows a multi-thematic sustainable investment strategy focused on sustainable development. Companies being considered by the Delegated Investment Manager are developing products or services to respond to key sustainable issues in energy (such as Renewable equipment, Diversified industrial equipment, Diversified utilities), mobility (such as Road vehicles manufacturing), building and cities (such as Light building equipment, Construction & engineering), resources (such as Light building equipment, Construction & engineering, Ingredients), consumption (such as Retail, Personal care, Food & beverage production), health (such as Medical services, Pharmaceuticals, Medical devices), information and communications technology (such as software & services, semiconductors), as well as finance (such as Financial services, Insurance, Banks). The investment process relies on stock picking based on a deep fundamental analysis of companies combining both financial and ESG considerations. The Sub-Fund will seek to invest in companies benefiting from long-term growth outlooks and offering attractive valuation over a medium-term period

Stammdaten zu Mirova US Sustainable Equity Fund - Q/A NPF EUR ACC H

  • Fondsvolumen
    16,30 Mio. USD14,99 Mio. EUR
  • Währung
  • Auflagedatum
  • Ertragsverwendung
  • Mindestsumme Einmalanlage/Folgeeinlage

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Risiko-Kennzahlen zu Mirova US Sustainable Equity Fund - Q/A NPF EUR ACC H

Maximaler Verlust
Positive Monate
Höchstkurs (in EUR)
Tiefstkurs (in EUR)
Durchschnittspreis (in EUR)

Performance-Kennzahlen zu Mirova US Sustainable Equity Fund - Q/A NPF EUR ACC H

Relativer Return
Relativer Return Monatsdurchschnitt
Performance im Jahr
Sharpe Ratio (annualisiert)
Excess Return