Alternative Investments • Hedgefonds

Anlageschwerpunkt DNCA Invest - Miuri - AD EUR DIS

DNCA Finance Luxembourg
98,260 EUR
-0,050 EUR-0,05 %
98,260 EUR
98,260 EUR
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262,41 Mio. EUR
2,00 %
Laufende Kosten
1,96 %
Morningstar ESG-Rating

Zusammensetzung nach Land

  • Europa (100,0 %)

Zusammensetzung nach Instrument

Alternative Investments
  • Alternative Investments (100,0 %)

Zusammensetzung nach Währung

EuroPfund SterlingSchweizer FrankenDänische Kronen
  • Euro (28,2 %)
  • Pfund Sterling (17,3 %)
  • Schweizer Franken (4,5 %)
  • Dänische Kronen (1,3 %)

Top Holdings zu DNCA Invest - Miuri - AD EUR DIS

Hier stehen normalerweise die Top Holdings des Fonds DNCA Invest - Miuri - AD EUR DIS. Aktuell liegen sie uns für diesenFonds nicht vor. Solltest du Interesse an den Top Holdings haben, informiere uns bitte über unser Kontaktformular. Wir prüfen gerne, ob wir diese Daten erhalten können.

Fondsstrategie zu DNCA Invest - Miuri - AD EUR DIS

The Sub-Fund seeks to achieve a higher annual performance than the risk-free rate represented by the EURSTR rate, throughout the recommended investment period. For that purpose, the Management Company will try to maintain an average annual volatility between 5% and 10% in normal market conditions. Investor's attention is drawn by the fact that the management style is discretionary and integrates environmental, social/societal and governance (ESG) criteria. The Sub-Fund is managed taking into consideration responsible and sustainable principles and promotes environmental and/or social characteristics within the meaning of Article 8 of SFDR. Additional information on SRI strategy may be obtained in the prospectus of the Sub-fund. The Sub-Fund's strategy qualifies as absolute return equity and such strategy relies on fundamental financial analysis. It invests in equities issued by European issuers (EEA plus Switzerland). The gross equity exposure associated with investments of the Sub-Fund (Longs and Shorts) cannot exceed 200% of the net assets of the Sub-Fund. With a net exposure limited to +/- 30% of the assets under management, it is not significantly dependent on the equity market trends and the performance depends essentially on the Management Company's capacity in identifying equities that have the characteristics to outperform their market indexes or their sector indexes.